I've been asked several times "How do you get your card's to look so great?" I know the struggle of working really hard on a beautiful card, only to photograph it and have it look terrible! It's so frustrating!!! Before I became a professional photographer I came across a pin on Pinterest that was perfect, and so I made it! At the time is was perfect and affordable for me and thought it was worth a share. Here is the pin from Annette at Tips from a typical mom, and she has a fabulous post you can read about HERE!
You can see the difference on these cards. The first one I took with my old system. The next one is with the system above.
You can see how much more vibrant the colors are in the second picture, and you can see the details better. The colors are truer to the actual colors, and that's important when others want to make the card because they will have trouble matching those colors if their not correct. The project was really affordable to make, and well worth it if you don't want to spend a lot and you just want to use what you have.
Now for the second half of my post I want to show you my current set up, and share with you why I think it's even better! I won't use my professional photographer equipment, just some pieces I bought on Amazon.
I use this box and some old clamp lights from Lowes.
Here it is in my studio. I want you to noticed the lighting. I place one regular bulb in the light on the left, and the LED Daylight (blue tone light) on the top and light on the right. Notice the difference in color? Now if all of my lights had regular bulbs, all my projects would have a yellow tone to them. With the LED daylight bulbs you have a crisp white that captures the true colors of your cards!
Let's see some side by side comparisons with normal daylight and the photo box
VS. Daylight bulbs and the photo box.
(I also used my phone because I know a lot of people don't have access to a fancy camera)
With the right even lighting your camera can pick up on details and colors, and can capture your image the way you want.
For my backgrounds I bought some patterned posterboard and cut them to fit my box. You can also include fun little do-dads to add visual interest. I went and spent $10.00 at the dollar store and bought some fun knick knacks to add some fun to my photos!
This is the system I use and I really do love having a great photo to show all the work and love I put into my cards. If you are not interested in the box, then use what you have at home and make the DIY version.
Either way your talents deserve to be showcased at their best!
Spunk Rock Crafting . . . reminding you
there are no mistakes only embellishment opportunities,
to take time out for you because you're worth it,
and to keep it Spunky & Fun ; )